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Trump Boasts Kim Jong Un’s Preference: ‘He Likes Me, Not Biden’

Trump’s Claims He Has Friendly Relations with Kim Jong Un

Donald Trump (right), then U.S. President, is seen shaking hands with Kim Jong Un, Leader of North Korea, in Singapore on June 12, 2018. ⓒEPA/Yonhap News

Donald Trump, former U.S. President and likely to be a 2024 Republican presidential candidate in the 2024 U.S. Election, emphasized his friendly relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Skepticism Regarding Biden’s Negotiation Skills

Speaking at a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, former President Trump questioned President Joe Biden’s ability to negotiate nuclear issues with Kim Jong Un effectively. He highlighted Biden’s perceived communication challenges and expressed skepticism about Kim’s willingness to engage in talks with someone like Biden.

Despite President Biden emphasizing throughout his term that the door for dialogue with North Korea is open, he has not achieved significant results in denuclearization negotiations. Last month, North Korea’s launch of a spy satellite drew sharp criticism in the U.S., with former President Trump targeting the Biden administration for allowing these developments.

Trump’s Claim of Kim’s Dislike for Biden

He stated that Kim Jong Un dislikes President Biden but is fond of him, highlighting that U.S. citizens did not feel threatened by North Korea during his administration. Trump initially heightened tensions in U.S.-North Korea relations with remarks about the superiority of U.S. nuclear capabilities. However, following the 2018 U.S.-North Korea summit, he tried to re-establish ties with North Korea, although the relationship faced challenges afterward.

After the U.S.-North Korea summit, negotiators met several times to find concrete agreement points, but the negotiations eventually broke down without narrowing differences. The U.S. side insisted that North Korea’s nuclear declaration and nuclear disposal should precede, and the North Korean side strongly argued that the lifting of U.S. sanctions against North Korea should proceed.

Experts argue that despite the breakdown of negotiations, North Korea prefers former President Trump over President Biden.

Scott Snyder, a senior fellow for Korea studies and director of the program on U.S.-Korea policy at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentioned that it wouldn’t be surprising if Kim Jong Un invited former President Trump to Pyongyang right now. He added that Kim prefers dialogue with Trump over President Biden and suggested that Kim might ask Trump to Pyongyang before the election.

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