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Russia Warns of Retaliation Against South Korea’s Export Limits

블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령 EPA

Russian President Vladimir Putin [Photo=EPA·Yonhap News]

Amid South Korea’s announcement of additional restrictions on the export of items that could be used for military purposes to Russia, Russia has strongly retaliated warning of retaliatory measures.

According to Reuters on the 27th (local time) Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry referred to South Korea’s export ban decision as “an unfriendly act at the request of the United States,” and said, “It will harm the Korean economy and industry.”

Zakharova emphasized “We have the right to respond to this and take measures,” and added, “This will not necessarily be symmetrical and they (Koreans) should not be surprised by this.”

The Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy previously announced on the 26th an amendment to the ’33rd Strategic Material Import and Export Notice’ to add 682 items that could be potentially used for military purposes to the situation permit targets to cooperate with the international community’s export control against Russia.

With the addition of 682 items, the total number of situation permit targets will be expanded to 1159 items. Items that were added include construction equipment, secondary batteries, machine tools, and aircraft parts, which are judged to have a high possibility of being used for military purposes.

By. Jee Wom Lee

Robin Seo Editor's Profile image




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