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Trump Criticizes Biden: Labels Him a Crook and Questions Communication Skills

트럼프 '바이든은 사기꾼·악당…말도 제대로 못해'
Former U.S. President Donald Trump. AP United News

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has claimed that he can’t believe that President Joe Biden who is likely to be his rival in a rematch in next year’s election will be chosen as a candidate as he continues to make inflammatory remarks against him. Trump is currently leading the Republican presidential primary.

In an interview with the far-right media outlet ‘Breitbart’ on the 30th (local time) Trump said, “Biden is a fraud, a villain, and a bad person,” and claimed, “He has spent his whole life convincing people that he is a good person.”

Trump said, “I laughed every time people said, ‘Trump is evil and Biden is good'” and added, “That’s the one thing Biden can do.”

Trump also raised questions about Biden’s cognitive abilities. He said, “If you compare Biden’s current state with 15-20 years ago, you can see that he has completely changed” and claimed, “This man can’t even speak properly and can’t even combine two sentences.” He added, “So I can’t believe that Biden will be a candidate” and said, “I hope he becomes a candidate but I can’t believe he will be.”

Trump is not optimistic about the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming a candidate as an alternative to President Biden. He said, “I don’t know,” and evaluated that Harris’s weaknesses have been exposed several times within the Democratic Party and from the Democratic Party’s standpoint, she should be a candidate to avoid.

Trump has repeatedly made blunt personal attacks on Biden’s cognitive abilities and other issues. Earlier this month, at a campaign rally in Iowa he said, “I took a cognitive test and passed it excellently,” and argued that anyone who wants to become a presidential candidate should pass a cognitive test, targeting President Biden.

By. Tae Young Kim

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  • Cathy

    Biden is a crook we the people are done with all democrats

  • Look who's talking. It takes a crook to know one. Personally I don't want to see either Trump nor Biden on the 2024 ticket. Our country will be in deep trouble if crook Trump takes over and Biden just needs to retire. Neither one are interested in making US great again, only their self interest

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