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Malta-Flagged Container Ship Reports Three Explosions off Yemen’s Port Quarter

Nearby Vessels Report “Small Boat Spotted Near Explosion Site”
Houthi Rebels Continue Drone and Missile Attacks in the Red Sea

Yemen’s Houthi rebels are seen marching in the northwestern region of Amran on December 20 last year. Amran (Yemen) /EPA-Yonhap News

The Iran-backed Yemeni Houthi rebels are continuing their attacks on civilian ships in the Red Sea where three more explosions have occurred.

According to Reuters on the 2nd (local time), the UK maritime security firm Ambrey reported that a Maltese container ship witnessed three explosions in the port area about 15 miles southwest of Mocha Yemen.

Ambrey confirmed that three missiles were launched from the direction of Taiz Governorate in Yemen. It also reported that a nearby ship spotted a small boat with two lights within a mile of the explosion site.

Ambrey explained, “The ship does not appear to be Israeli-owned, but it could have been targeted by the Houthis because other ships operated by the same company regularly visit Israel.”

Currently, the Houthi rebels control most areas of Yemen including the capital Sanaa. The Houthis have officially supported the Palestinian armed group Hamas, which is at war with Israel and have been capturing or attacking ships sailing in the Red Sea with drones and missiles since the 19th of last month. The Houthis have publicly declared that they will not stop attacking the Red Sea until Israel ceases its war.

By, Ah Hyun Jeon

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