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NATO to Buy 1,000 Patriot Missiles in Face of Russia Threat

나토, 유럽 방공망 강화 위해 美 패트리엇 미사일 1000기 공동구매
Patriot missile. Photo=Reuters·Yonhap News

Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have agreed to jointly purchase up to 1,000 U.S. Patriot missiles to defend their airspace from Russia.

According to reports by AFP and DPA on the 3rd (local time), the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) said Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain participated in this joint purchase agreement, and the purchased Patriot missiles are expected to be produced in Europe. The NSPA announced that the facilities to produce Patriot missiles will be built through a joint investment by Europe’s missile manufacturing company MBDA and U.S. defense company RTX (Raytheon Technologies) subsidiary.

According to the report, the scale of this joint purchase agreement is estimated to be $5.5 billion.

This announcement comes amid Russia’s intensifying airstrikes against Ukraine since the beginning of the year.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the “timely announcement of investing in up to 1,000 Patriot missiles to strengthen the alliance’s security”.

In a statement, Secretary General Stoltenberg emphasized, “The Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian civilians, cities, and towns show how important a modern air defense network is” and “Expanding ammunition production is a core security for Ukraine and us”.

NATO said the contract also includes elements for future missile maintenance, such as test equipment and spare parts.

NATO allies including the U.S. and Germany have provided Patriot missile systems produced in the U.S. to Ukraine which is at war with Russia.

As a result, the Western stock of Patriot missiles has decreased and the U.S. has imported Patriot missiles produced in Japan to replenish its stock.

Meanwhile, the Patriot missile, an anti-aircraft missile developed in the U.S., is estimated to cost $4 million per unit.

By. Soo Min Hwang

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