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Chris Christie Drops Out of GOP Presidential Race

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is declaring his withdrawal from the race on the 10th (local time). Wyndham (USA)/AP News

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who was classified as an ‘anti-Trump’ figure within the Republican Party, has dropped out midway from the primaries for next year’s presidential election.

According to Politico, a political news outlet, on the 10th (local time), Christie announced at a campaign event in New Hampshire, “It’s better to tell the truth and lose than to lie to win,” adding, “It became clear tonight that there is no path for me to be the presidential nominee. This is why I am suspending my campaign today.”

Christie has been one of the most vocal critics of former President Donald Trump, who leads in Republican support. He was an ally of Trump in the 2016 election but turned against him when Trump contested the results of the last election, claiming election fraud.

However recently, another competitor, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, rapidly increased her support through several debates, and even Chris Sununu, a popular governor within the Republican Party from New Hampshire, publicly supported Haley, significantly narrowing Christie’s position.

Politico explained, “Christie’s exit has paved the way for Haley to continue following Trump,” adding, “According to a CNN poll the day before, 65% of Christie supporters said they would support Haley if he dropped out of the race.”

By. Dae young Ko

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