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Hamas Raises Alarm, Suggests High Risk of Hostage Deaths in Israeli Bombing

The Palestinian armed group Hamas claimed that the status of the hostages they kidnapped from Israel is uncertain, and many may have died.A spokesman for Hamas said in a statement on the 14th (local time) regarding the hostages, “There is a high possibility that a considerable number of them have died due to Israeli bombing,” and “The remaining personnel are also at risk.”

Hamas claimed to Israel, “Enemies must take responsibility for their fate.” Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel on October 7th last year, indiscriminately killing civilians and taking about 250 people hostage. Some of them were released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israel, but about 130 are still detained.

On the 100th day of the Gaza Strip war, hostage families held a 24-hour protest in Tel Aviv, Israel, calling for a halt to the war and efforts to release the hostages.

In relation to this, US President Joe Biden stated on the day, saying, “We are in close contact with Qatar, Egypt, and Israel to enable all hostages to return home,” and “We will never stop efforts to bring Americans home.”

John Kirby, Coordinator of Strategic Communications for the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House, pressured Israel to transition its military operations to low-intensity on CBS broadcast on the day. Coordinator Kirby said, “We think all military operations should be conducted at a lower intensity, target more accurately, and rely less on airstrikes.”

However, he reaffirmed that “it’s not that we shouldn’t attack Hamas,” and “Hamas is still a real threat and Israel has the right and responsibility to attack Hamas.”

Israel has indicated to the United States that it will intensify operations in Khan Yunis, the largest city in the southern Gaza Strip until it finds the Hamas leadership and rescues the hostages. It is known that the US side sees it difficult to maintain support for Israel if military operations are not reduced.

By. Jang Won Lee

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