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Vladimir Putin’s Luxurious $73 Million Bulletproof Train Revealed

Putin’s Bulletproof Train
Production cost: 72.9 million dollars
Luxurious facilities, including a gym and bathhouse

Dossier Center

Russian President Vladimir Putin is known to use a private train for domestic travel. The world was taken aback when the interior of Putin’s train, which had been kept secret for security reasons, was recently revealed.

The Dossier Center, a Russian media outlet that tracks and monitors the activities of the Kremlin, recently exposed photos of the interior of Putin’s “bulletproof train.”

This train was manufactured by the Russian company Zircon Service. It cost at least 6.8 billion rubles, about 72.9 million dollars. The train, consisting of 22 compartments, is filled with Putin’s private beauty salon, gym, personal bar, and cinema.

Dossier Center

Putin, concerned about deteriorating health, has created a private treatment room equipped with various medical equipment, including ventilators, defibrillators, and ultrasound therapy devices.

Another car features a Turkish bath, Hammam, with an “aroma foam mode.” It’s reported that this car alone cost about 4.63 million dollars.

Dossier Center

In the dining car where Putin eats, a red carpet is a given, and a high-end table and chairs in the Art Deco style, the art form of the 1920s, have been placed.

Every car is made with multiple layers of armor to block sniper bullets, and exceptional soundproofing has been done to prevent eavesdropping or wiretapping from the outside.

Source: Dossier Center

Meanwhile, despite the problematic Russian economy due to Western sanctions, Putin is ordering more luxury vehicles.

The media outlet that exposed the train revealed that Putin had spent at least 5.9 million dollars on a new production of a car for sports facilities and a car for vehicle storage even after the start of the war with Ukraine.

So far, it has been analyzed that about 1.45 billion rubles (15.4 million dollars) have been spent just on the maintenance cost of this luxurious bulletproof train.

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