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Trump Skips Debate, Urges Biden: ‘Let’s Debate Now for the Sake of America

Former U.S. President Donald Trump had a campaign in Las Vegas, Nevada on the 27th of last month. / Reuters Yonhap News

Former President Donald Trump, who declined to participate in the Republican primary debate, said he wants to have a debate immediately with President Joe Biden, who is likely to be his opponent in the upcoming November election.

“I want to have a debate with him now,” former President Trump said in a radio interview on the 5th (local time). “We need to have a debate for America.”

Trump refused to participate in the debate during the Republican primary election because of a large gap in support from other candidates. However, he is aggressively proposing a debate with President Biden, who is confirmed as the main opponent. He also provoked Biden for declining to do an interview before the NFL’s championship game, the Super Bowl, by claiming, “He can’t speak.”

Biden responded to Trump’s debate request on the same day, saying, “If I were Trump, I would want to debate me too,” and “He has nothing else to do.” However, Biden did not give an answer as to whether he would debate with Trump.

The non-profit private organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which has been organizing the presidential debates, has announced that it will hold debates three times in September and October.

The Hill, a congressional media outlet, reported that some in the Republican Party are concerned that Trump’s refusal to participate in the primary debate could give Biden a reason to refuse to debate. Nikki Haley’s camp, who is still Trump’s primary opponent, sniped on the same day, “We are glad to see that Trump finally recognizes the importance of the debate,” and “Now is the time for Trump to man up and agree to debate with Haley.”

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