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Iran Supplied Russia with 400 Ballistic Missiles Amid Ukraine Conflict

Maximum Range 435 miles
Transported in Four Stages

A water treatment plant in Kramatorsk, a major city in Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast, was hit by a Russian missile on the 20th (local time). Kramatorsk (Ukraine)/Reuters-Yonhap News

Iran has provided ballistic missiles to Russia at war with Ukraine, according to multiple sources cited by Reuters on the 21st (local time).

The ballistic missiles sent by Iran can attack targets at a range of 186 to 435 miles, and the quantity is reported to be about 400.

An Iranian military official said, “The provision started earlier this year and has been transported in four stages so far,” adding, “Additional contributions will be made within a few weeks.”

The provision of missiles is known to have been made according to an agreement at a meeting of defense and security officials from both countries held in Tehran, Iran, last year. However, neither country commented separately on this Reuters report.

Iran is also known to be supplying drones to Russia. Russia continues to target urban areas and infrastructure using Iranian drones during its invasion of Ukraine. Iran admitted that it provided drones to Russia before the invasion of Ukraine began.

The Ukrainian military reported that there were 3,700 Iranian drone attacks from February 2022, when Russia started the invasion, until December last year, and intercepted 2,900 of them.

John Kirby, the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications, pointed out at the end of last year that Iran might be considering providing ballistic missiles to Russia.

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