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7.5M Views and Counting! 2-Year-Old’s Unusual Behavior Caught on Camera

Video with 7.5 million views
Unusual behavior of a 2-year-old girl
The reason she tries to stand upside-down


A video posted by a mother in the US is going viral.

A busy mom of five in the US shared a baby monitor video from the bedroom of her 2-year-old twin daughters.

In the video, one of the girls exhibits unusual movements that caught viewers’ attention.

The video has racked up over 7.5 million views, a testament to its popularity.


The child’s mother expressed confusion over her 2-year-old daughter Angelina’s actions.

The baby monitor footage shows Angelina mastering her sitting and standing skills in her crib. However, her daring attempt to stand upside down on the mattress has left viewers wide-eyed.

She also tried to jump over to her sibling’s crib.

The mother explained, “Angelina has always had this sleep habit. The purpose of sharing this video is not just to document a memorable moment but to share the sleep habits of a child with autism.”


It’s known that young children with autism often have different sleep patterns.

They sleep much less than their peers and tend to engage in their favorite activities, even during class.

They struggle to get a good night’s sleep, and it’s heartbreaking to learn that Angelina, too, often stays awake for several hours each night.

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