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Indian Girl Dies of Food Poisoning After Birthday Celebration

Tragic death after eating birthday cake
Entire family suffers food poisoning
Mysterious death of 10-year-old girl

Source: India Today

A 10-year-old girl tragically died after consuming a cake her grandfather brought.

The girl in Patiala, Punjab, India, reportedly died from suspected food poisoning after celebrating her birthday with a cake shared by her family.

A heartwarming video, released on March 24 at 7 P.M., shows the 10-year-old girl celebrating her birthday. The joy-filled video captures her blowing out the candles on her cake and sharing it with her family.

Tragically, later that night, around 3 AM, the family began experiencing symptoms consistent with food poisoning. The young girl’s condition worsened quickly, with intense thirst, abdominal pain, and chills. Despite being rushed to the hospital for treatment, she couldn’t be saved.

Source: X (Former Twitter)

While the girl’s younger sibling also experienced similar symptoms, thankfully, they appear to have recovered, possibly due to vomiting, which can expel harmful toxins.

When recalling the birthday celebration, the girl’s grandfather mentioned they ordered a chocolate cake online. This detail is being investigated alongside other factors that might have contributed to the family’s illness.

According to a subsequent report, the delivery person picked up the cake and delivered it to the girl’s house, but the cake seller denied that it was a cake they had made.

Meanwhile, local police are investigating the entire incident, searching for the origin of the cake and testing its ingredients to determine the cause of the girl’s death.

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