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Japan’s ‘Rollercoaster Bridge’ Takes Internet by Storm

Japan’s Eshima Ohashi Bridge
Also Known As The “Rollercoaster Bridge”
Gone Viral Through Videos of Actual Driving Experiences.


The sight of Japan’s “Rollercoaster Bridge” is causing quite a stir.

On international online communities, Japan’s Eshima Ohashi Bridge, known for its steep incline, is gaining attention as the “Rollercoaster Bridge.”

The Eshima Ohashi Bridge, connecting Matsue in Shimane Prefecture and Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture, has been gaining fame for its steep incline.

The design of the Eshima Ohashi Bridge allows ships to pass underneath, which has resulted in its steepness.

Youtube@What’s HotKnown as the third largest bridge in the world, the Eshima Ohashi Bridge can accommodate the passage of large ships weighing up to 500 tons. 

While photos and videos make it seem like the vehicles on the road will tumble down due to the severe incline,  it’s not as steep as it appears.

The total length of this bridge is 1,700 meters (1.05 miles), with an incline of 3.44 degrees on the Tottori side and 2.86 degrees on the Shimane side, which is relatively gentle.


The bridge appears to have an extreme incline due to a geometric illusion caused by its length, area, direction, curvature, and angle.

The photo and video viewers online responded with comments like, “It’s on my bucket list,” “Is it really an illusion?”, “is it really okay to drive on it? It looks scary,” and “It’s amazing how people naturally navigate it.”

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