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Japanese Comedian Spills the Beans on Living with a Partner: The Good, the Bad, and the Hilarious

Photo= Fujimori Shingo X

Japanese comedian Shingo Fujimori has candidly shared his experiences with living together.

On April 5, comedian and actor Fujimori, who appeared on the YouTube channel Hikaru (ヒカル) with 4.89 million subscribers, confessed that he has had numerous experiences of living together with a partner and explained the pros and cons of living together.

Fujimori stated, “The boundaries of dating become ambiguous when you live together,” adding, “That part is difficult, but I have lived with every woman I’ve dated so far. I think it’s been about 3 to 4 years.” He also revealed that “Living together does not necessarily lead to marriage. I believe there are pros and cons.”

On a broadcast appearance, Hikaru mentioned a preference for not having pets, particularly when considering moving in with a partner. He asked Fujimori Shingo, “Does having pets create challenges when living together?” Fujimori Shingo recently began living with his girlfriend and shared his positive experience living with her pets, a dog and a cat.

Fujimori shared, “I have a positive view of marriage,” and revealed that he is seriously dating his current live-in partner. He added, “I will not cheat,” showing his romantic side.

The conversation sparked discussion online, with the video circulating widely on social media. Japanese viewers were surprised at Fujimori’s openness about living together, with comments like “Interesting to hear Fujimori’s thoughts on this!” and “This side of Fujimori is refreshing!” Some viewers also complimented his personal growth, noting, “Fujimori seems to be maturing well.”

Fujimori is in a relationship with a former actress and a sports instructor. It is known that the two got together through an acquaintance.

Shingo Fujimori is famous as a handsome comedian and has enjoyed dating many women, including announcers and foreigners.

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