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Sam Worthington’s Battle with Booze: How ‘Avatar’ Fame Led to His Downfall

Actor Sam Worthington’s confession to having an alcohol addiction is making headlines. Famous for his role in the movie Avatar, Worthington shared in a past interview that after the success of Avatar in 2009, it was common to down four to five glasses of champagne before his first-class flight. He would start drinking in the morning. “I hated myself. Drinking helped me get through the day,” he shared.


They could probably smell the alcohol on me, but when they looked at me, they couldn’t tell. I was still doing my job — I just don’t think I was doing it very well,” he continued.

Worthington went through a tough time in the past, showing signs of severe distress, including getting angry when fans approached him.

He explained, “I’d go haywire over someone asking me for a photograph or taking a photograph of me. If someone approached me, my anxiety would go through the roof.”

As time passed, Worthington’s alcohol addiction worsened, and his wife had enough.

His wife’s ultimatum served as a wake-up call for Worthington to overcome his alcohol addiction.

Worthington’s wife, Lara, known as a romantic, started her career as a model in her teens and became well known, gracing the covers of Elle, Marie Claire, and Harper’s Bazaar. Married in 2014, the couple have three sons.

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