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Hospice Nurse Reveals: What People See Before They Die

What Patients See One Month Before They Die
Start Seeing Deceased People
Dreaming About Pets


A practicing nurse shares her experience about what most patients see approximately one month before they die.

Julie McFadden, a hospice nurse in Los Angeles, has stated that death is nothing to be afraid of.

This nurse is also the author of a book titled Nothing to Fear.

Julie shared an interesting observation: many people report seeing deceased loved ones in the weeks or days leading up to their passing.

She added, “They often dream about deceased people who can provide them with peace of mind, like family members or people they had a good relationship with, who say things like ‘I’ll be coming to get you soon, there’s no need to worry.'”

She also mentioned that some people dream about their pets. Julie conveyed, “It’s clear for most people who experience this.”


Viewers online shared reactions such as “I hope my pet comes to me,” “Thank you for sharing this,” and “This is very useful.”

Meanwhile, many scientists have been doing research to find out what people see before they die.

A foreign news outlet reported that researchers from Hadassah University in Jerusalem tested seven people who had near-death experiences.

A woman who participated in the study explained, “It’s different from a movie where everything happens in chronological order. All memories feel like they’ve been there for hundreds of years.”

Other participants reported feeling the pain of their friends and family and being able to empathize with what they were going through.

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