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Trump Dominates New Hampshire Polls with 50% Approval Ahead of Primary

도널드 트럼프 전 미국 대통령이 17일현지시간 미국 뉴햄프셔주 포츠머스의 호텔에서 열린 대선 유세에서 여유만만한 표정을 짓고 있다 사진로이터 연합뉴스
Former US President Donald Trump was seen in a relaxed mood at a presidential campaign rally held at a hotel in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the 17th (local time). Photo=Reuters·Yonhap News

Amid the upcoming New Hampshire Republican primary, former President Donald Trump appears to be receiving overwhelming support.

According to a poll by CNN and the University of New Hampshire on the 21st (local time), Trump holds 50% support.

In contrast, Nikki Haley only gained 39%. Trump is leading Haley by more than ten percentage points.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dropped out of the presidential race that day, only polling at 6% – well below the 10% threshold required to secure delegates under Republican primary rules, making his campaign a non-starter.

From the 16th to the 19th, the poll surveyed 1,210 New Hampshire voters planning to vote in the Republican primary, with a margin of error of ±2.8%. In a similar poll conducted earlier in January, Trump and Haley garnered 39% and 32% support, respectively. Both candidates have gained traction since the last poll, with Trump’s numbers showing a particular uptick.

In the Democratic primary poll, about two-thirds of the voters supported President Joe Biden.

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