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88-Year-Old Chinese Model Breaks Age Barriers in Fashion Industry

Debuted as a model at 79 in 2015
A Chinese man who walked the runway shirtless and became a sensation
Still active on the runway at 88

Oddity Central

An 88-year-old Chinese actor and fashion model is once again making headlines.

Earlier this month, at Shanghai Fashion Week, 88-year-old model Deshun Wang returned to the runway, showcasing his toned body and elegant walk, reminiscent of his sensational debut at China Fashion Week in 2015.

Born second in a family of ten children in 1936, he pursued acting with his parents’ support. He started modeling while working in pantomime and performance arts.

A Chinese fashion designer was chatting with DJ QQ during a fashion week when QQ received a video call. The designer glanced at QQ’s phone screen and saw the man’s face. He immediately said, “I want him in my show.”

That man was QQ’s father, Deshun Wang, who accepted the challenge that would change his life.

YouTube WOW

Wang made his modeling debut at China Fashion Week in Beijing in 2015. Walking the runway shirtless, he became a sensation, and even nine years later, his pictures from that time are still circulating online.

Since then, Wang has taken on a variety of challenges. He has appeared in multiple fashion advertisements, earned a pilot’s license, and learned to ride a motorcycle and a horse.

In an interview with The New York Times, he said, “People can change their lives as much as they want,” and ” There is no such thing as being too old to follow your dreams. Age should not be an obstacle. Just go for it.”

Deshun Wang, who made his modeling debut at age 79 in an industry where most retire by their early 30s, remains active in the field at 88.

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