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Crypto Scandal: Wanted Mastermind Found Living in Luxury Near Embassy


Local media have revealed that Kwon Do Hyung, the central figure in the Terra-Luna crash that caused numerous victims, had secured a hideout in a luxury apartment in Serbia before being captured by the police in Montenegro.

The luxury apartment where Kwon was hiding is only a 6-minute drive from the Korean Embassy in Serbia, which has led to comments about not seeing what is under one’s nose.

According to major Serbian media outlets Nova and DL News on May 6th, it was reported that Kwon had been living for several months in a duplex structure of Ambassador Park, a luxury apartment located in Dedinje, Belgrade, known as the most affluent area in the capital.

Upon checking the property records in local media, it was revealed that the apartment was purchased by Han Chang Joon, the CFO of Terraform Labs and a close associate of Kwon, for approximately $2.1 million. Despite being on the run, the heinous economic criminal who defrauded countless victims continued to live comfortably with the black money he had swindled.


The apartment is classified as a super-luxury residential area in Serbia, and according to the brochure, it’s a small complex composed of 25 households including a penthouse with a private swimming pool. As expensive as it is, CCTV is installed everywhere, and security guards are always stationed at the front and back gates, making it known for its thorough safety management.

According to local media, it is a famous luxury apartment complex where diplomats and cash-rich individuals mainly reside.

After it was revealed that Kwon had resided in the apartment, a video posted by a real estate seller showing the interior became a topic of discussion. The video showed a spacious living room, three rooms excluding the kitchen, and three bathrooms. In addition, two dressing rooms, a must-have in luxury apartments, were visible. The interior stairs led to a balcony that advertised private scenic enjoyment.

Kwon, an Interpol red notice subject, is believed to have chosen a super-luxury apartment with thorough security as his hideout to respond to external intrusions.

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Serbian local media interviewed the apartment’s security guard, showing him a picture of Kwon and asking if any foreigners had lived in the apartment. The guard reportedly replied, “No foreigners have lived here”.

However, nearby shopkeepers had different reactions. An employee of a nearby supermarket told the media in an interview, “I think I’ve seen this person (in the photo) here,” and an employee of a pharmacy near the apartment also said, “He looks familiar. I’ve seen him here.” The media added these facts.

In addition, a resident of the apartment said, “I’ve witnessed a thin man with long hair and glasses sitting in front of a black luxury car right in front of the apartment complex for a long time before getting out.” The media pointed out that the description given by the merchant and the resident matched Kwon.

Both were residing in Serbia at the time when the red notice was issued by Interpol. Moreover, the apartment was only a 6-minute drive from the Korean Embassy in Serbia. The media pointed out, “Although the Korean and Serbian local police were tracking Kwon and his party through close cooperation, they were much closer than expected.”

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The Serbian local media also criticized the situation, stating, “Even if he had the help of his close associates, it’s impossible to guess how he was able to hide for such a long time,” and “It’s questionable whether the Serbian authorities were serious about arresting Kwon and tracking his whereabouts.”

Kwon, the founder of Terraform Labs, disappeared after leaving for Singapore in April 2022, just before the Terra·Luna crash occurred.

After passing through the United Arab Emirates (UAE), he stayed in Serbia for a long time, entered Montenegro, and was arrested on March 23, 2023, at a local airport for using a forged passport, along with Han.

After being investigated locally for using a forged passport, Kwon was sentenced to four months in prison, completed his sentence on March 23, and was immediately transferred to a detention center for foreigners.


From the time Kwon was arrested in Montenegro, both Korean and U.S. authorities have been requesting his extradition.

Initially, the local court in Montenegro decided to extradite Kwon to Korea, but this decision was overturned by the Supreme Court last month, which is now considering extraditing him to the U.S.

As the likelihood of being sent to the U.S. increased, Kwon’s side strongly objected. This is because the maximum sentence for economic criminals in the U.S. is over 100 years, while in Korea it’s around 40 years.

Previously, the U.S. sentenced Sam Bankman, known as the Warren Buffett of cryptocurrency, to 50 years. He was convicted on all counts, including wire fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering, during his trial.

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