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Russian Airstrikes in Ukraine on the 6th Using North Korean Missiles

존 커비 백악관 국가안전보장회의NSC 전략소통조정관 사진로이터 연합뉴스

John Kirby, National Security Council (NSC) strategic communications coordinator [Photo=Reuters·Yonhap News]

The U.S. government has revealed that North Korea-supplied ballistic missiles were used in Russia’s air strikes on Ukraine.

According to C-SPAN and Reuters on the 9th (local time), John Kirby the National Security Council (NSC) strategic communications coordinator announced during a briefing that Russia had also launched several North Korean ballistic missiles into Ukraine on the 6th.

Coordinator Kirby believes that at least one North Korean missile fell in Kharkiv Ukraine while analyzing the damage caused by Russia’s missile attacks. Previously, Coordinator Kirby had stated that Russia had attacked Ukraine with North Korean ballistic missiles on the 30th of last month and the 2nd.

Coordinator Kirby emphasized that the transfer of North Korean ballistic missiles to Russia is a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. In addition, Coordinator Kirby claimed that he would highlight Russia’s responsibility for the missile transfer at the UN Security Council on the 10th. North Korea has been under a UN arms embargo since its nuclear test in 2006.

Furthermore, Coordinator Kirby declared that he would continue to expose such arms deals and sanction those who assist them. He suggested that the most effective way to respond to Russia’s missile and drone attacks is to support Ukraine with necessary military equipment for defense, including anti-aircraft weapons, and called on Congress to process additional security budget proposals.

On the same day, 47 foreign ministers including Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a joint statement condemning North Korea’s ballistic missile exports and Russia’s use of missiles.

By. Seong Jin Kwon

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