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Iran Fires Missiles at Pakistan

On the 14th (local time), a protest supporting Palestine, which is at war with Israel, is taking place in Karachi, Pakistan./EPA Yonhap News

Following Iran’s direct military action against Israel, on the 16th (local time), Iran launched missiles at the militant bases of the Sunni separatist armed group ‘Jaish al-Adl’ located in Pakistan.

According to Iran’s state-run IRNA and Press TV, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) used missiles and drones to attack the Jaish al-Adl base in Pakistan.

The exact location of the attack was not disclosed by the two countries, but AFP reported that an explosion occurred in the border region of Baluchistan.

Jaish al-Adl is a Sunni armed group in Iran based in Pakistan, established in 2012, and operates in the border region.

In December 2023, 11 people, including police officers and soldiers, died in a raid on a police station in the Iranian border region. Jaish al-Adl took responsibility for this deadly attack.

Also, in 2019, Jaish al-Adl was singled out as the perpetrator behind a suicide bombing targeting a Revolutionary Guards transport bus in the southeastern border region of Iran.

The Pakistani government issued a statement in the early morning of the 17th stating that two innocent children were killed and three were injured in the Iranian attack.

The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, “Unprovoked and blatant breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty by Iran can never be tolerated and can lead to serious consequences,” and pointed out, “It is even more concerning that this illegal act has taken place despite the existence of various communication channels between Pakistan and Iran.”

Pakistan summoned the Iranian diplomat in Islamabad, the capital, to protest the attack.

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