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Drama After Dark: Celebrity Couple’s Street Fight Goes Viral!

A shocking video emerged online showing Chinese singer and actor Zhang Teng (24) and actress Li Xirui (35) arguing and hurling insults at a designated driver.

On May 15th, famous Chinese photographer Liu Dazhui released a video on social media Weibo showing Zhang and Li arguing with a designated driver.

Liu Dazhui shared, “A 4 AM fight involving an actress, an idol, and a driver. Luxury slippers turned into weapons, and the innocent driver became the target,” as he released the video showing the three individuals.

Zhang was seen arguing loudly with the designated driver. Li, who got out from the back seat of the car, calmed the two down. Following Li’s intervention, Zhang stopped fighting and got into the car. As the car slowly moved away, the designated driver followed the car, continuing the argument.

Later, the car stopped, and a man, presumed to be an acquaintance of Zhang and Li, appeared and exchanged insults with the designated driver. The man roughly pulled off the driver’s mask, and Zhang, who had been watching, bowed his head and approached Li’s side.

The ongoing fight even brought the police to the scene. Reports indicated that Zhang was under the influence of alcohol.

The video of Zhang and Li has gone viral, recording 5.47 million views. Viewers online reacted with “This is so different from their usual image, it’s shocking,” “It’s unbelievable to see a public figure arguing with an average person at dawn,” and “I don’t want to see celebrities with bad character,” criticizing Zhang and Li.

As criticism mounted, Zhang posted an apology on Weibo. He said, “I’m sorry for causing controversy over personal matters,” and “I sincerely apologize to the designated driver. I shouldn’t have yelled.” Zhang explained the situation, “A friend of Li’s accidentally threw a slipper at the designated driver. The driver, who was hit by the slipper, missed Li’s friend and blocked our car that was moving ahead first.”

Zhang Teng gained recognition by appearing in the 2021 survival program Produce Camp 2021 (Chuang 2021).

Lee Xirui received much love for her appearances in dramas such as Pretty Li Hui Zhen and My Fated Boy.

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