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2NE1’s Secret Meetings With YG Spark Comeback Rumors!

YG Entertainment (left), CL Instagram (right)

YG’s Executive Producer, Yang Hyun Suk, is reportedly meeting with 2NE1 to discuss an alleged reunion and comeback project.

According to a close source of 2NE1, on June 25, the members confirmed plans to meet directly with YG’s Executive Producer.

YG stated, “It’s true that members of 2NE1 and Executive Producer Yang have agreed to meet,” but could not confirm why this meeting was planned.

CL Instagram

According to a report by OSEN, CL had met with Producer Yang in secret last month.

These consecutive meetings attracted attention, with fans saying, “We’re looking forward to the comeback” and “We’re so happy about the reunion.”

2NE1 debuted in 2009 and gained popularity with songs like “I Don’t Care”, “Go Away”, and “I Am the Best”.

Despite officially disbanding in November 2016, they’ve shown their ongoing friendship by posting a group photo on social media on May 17, celebrating their 15th debut anniversary.

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