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Tesla’s Dojo Supercomputer Head Resigns, Full Self-Driving Release in Doubt

Multiple media outlets, including social media platform X, have reported that the person in charge of the hardware for Tesla’s supercomputer, Dojo, has resigned. Elon Musk recruited Ganesh Venkataramanan to form a chip development team for autonomous driving technology. He has been a former AMD employee for 14 years and was the Senior Director of Autopilot at Tesla.

Although rumors had been circulating, Reuters and Bloomberg confirmed his departure on December 7, 2023. Reports suggest that his departure stems from the second-generation Dojo 2 chip failing to meet expectations. Tesla uses the Dojo supercomputer to drive a neural network learning program for autonomous driving.

After navigating through various challenges and setbacks, the first Dojo cluster became operational last summer.

Regardless, the Dojo computer appears to have issues, contrary to what Elon Musk claims. Expectations are that he will break his promise, made last summer, to release the official version of Full Self-Driving (FSD) by the end of this year.

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