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Waymo’s Self-Driving Cars Hit the Roads in Phoenix, USA

Waymo announced plans to operate its electric Jaguar I-PACE SUVs on the highways around Phoenix, USA, starting this month. It will operate in a fully autonomous mode, initially with only Waymo employees onboard. While highways are easier to navigate than complex intersections, turns, and city streets crowded with pedestrians and cyclists, they come with their own set of challenges related to high speeds and unexpected obstacles.

Waymo has been testing robotic semi-trucks for several years. The company stated that its experience and learning in addressing the unique challenges of the highway were achieved through these semi-trucks. The goal is to ensure that the Waymo Driver, the name of the company’s AI-assisted system, has the same function regardless of the type of vehicle or its location. ”

Waymo has been operating a paid unmanned riding service around Phoenix and has been testing robo-taxis in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Austin. So far, there have been no reports of major accidents or pedestrian injuries over the past 15 years.

Waymo stated that it has been continuously informing the Arizona State and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is responsible for road safety, about its plan.

By. Global Auto News

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